Researched-backed training methods that help professionals put their knowledge into practice.
Praxus is putting the best criminal justice training and coaching methods into practice through a digital peer-to-peer coaching program designed for Criminal Justice professionals.
For Learners
Sign Up
Get your individual profile set up with ease when your agency becomes a Praxus user.
Complete Tasks
Your coach will create an individualized coaching plan to best meet your needs and goals.
Get Feedback
Track your progress in real-time as you receive feedback designed to maximize your skill development.
Sign Up
Get your individual profile set up with ease when your agency becomes a Praxus user.
Assign Tasks
Develop customized coaching plans with specific tasks to help learners reach their performance goals.
Give Feedback
Through our AI-driven platform, you can quickly provide effective feedback specifically matched to your learner's skill level.
For Supervisors
Sign Up
Get your individual profile set up with ease when your agency partners with Praxus.
Build Knowledge and Skills
View both coaches and learners and make sure everyone is up-to-date on their activities at a glance. Acquire new insight and skills into how you can support the acquisition and effective use of Core Correctional Practices.
View Trends and Milestones
Quickly and easily provide feedback to both coaches and learners using our AI-driven platform. Access progress data and feedback trends to assist in planning next steps.
Improve Outcomes
The Praxus system utilizes a technology-mediated peer-to-peer coaching model designed to help learners master evidence-based practices proven to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes.
Increase Skill Proficiency
With the Praxus adaptive learning platform, learners receive coaching support that is dynamic and responsive to their skill level and learning style to maximize performance.
Build Sustainability
With Praxus, internal peer coaches, supervisors, and implementation coordinators receive the support and guidance needed to implement an effective sustainability plan.
Promote Intervention Fidelity
Praxus allows agencies to have the confidence in knowing that their interventions are being delivered as intended. With built-in proficiency metrics, agencies can assess and enhance intervention fidelity to promote ongoing quality assurance.
Putting proven, evidence-based training and coaching methods into practice every day—that’s the Praxus method.
The Need for Change is Evident
“Inmates who participated in correctional education programs had a 43 percent lower odds of recidivating than those who did not. This translates to a reduction in the risk of recidivating of 13 percentage points.
Source: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR266.html
“The odds of obtaining employment post-release among inmates who participated in correctional education was 13 percent higher than the odds for those who did not participate in correctional education.”
Source: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR266.html
“Participation in prison education, including both academic and vocational programming, was associated with an over 40 percent reduction in recidivism.”
Source: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/prison-education-reduces-recidivism-by-over-40-percent-why-arent-we-funding-more-of-it/