Data & Text Mining

Both data and text mining have been of increased interest over the past 30 years. Many attempts at the application of these advanced techniques fail because of poorly defined goals. Using a directed and intentional planning process, we use data and text mining techniques to help you understand the relationships in your data and how to use the results of analysis to increase effectiveness and efficiency.


Determining if a program has its intended impact is critical in an era of evidence based practices. Part of the outcome evaluation process involves determining whether a program has been implemented as designed and is reaching the targeted population. When we conduct program evaluation we attempt to develop sound measures that provide an understanding of program operations and target population prior to progressing to the outcome evaluation. Naturally, a program that is not implemented as designed or is reaching the wrong individuals is much more likely to be ineffective. We have evaluated hundreds of correctional programs and interventions over the past 20 years including: program content, program staff, staff skills (through direct observation or recorded interactions), process and outcome.

Program Assessments

We have developed a flexible framework for the systematic assessment of criminal justice practices related to the management and rehabilitation of defendants and offenders for each of the contexts involved in criminal justice processing. This process:

  • Allows for assessment of a broader array of correctional programs than do other program assessment protocols.

  • Allows for the assessment of specialized programs (e.g. substance abuse, assessment and case management, employment, cognitions, etc.).

  • Provides funding agencies the flexibility to identify and weigh content areas that are most relevant for their population. 

  • More clearly defines program models (e.g., logic model, client change focus) versus activities (productive use of client time) for clearer outcome expectancies.

Risk Assessment Validations and Fidelity

Risk assessment instruments have become ubiquitous in the criminal justice system. While risk assessment is being used at multiple stages in the criminal justice system, the most common applications of risk assessment occur at pretrial and post-conviction stages. We have been involved in the development of some of the most widely used and researched risk assessment instrument at the pretrial and post-conviction stages. We have also been involved in meta-analyses of risk assessment instruments and validating several different risk assessments in several different contexts. Given our past experiences, we can assist in the development of risk assessments, validation, reliability, norming and testing for bias. 


Agency-Specific Planning

A key factor in maintaining the fidelity and long term sustainability of an innovation is the organization’s ability to become self-sufficient. CCS will work closely with stakeholders, administrators, supervisors, and staff in developing an agency-specific implementation plan.

Organizational Readiness

Before starting any new initiative or implementation effort we can help you ensure success by conducting an organizational readiness assessment. To maximize limited resources and return on investment it is critical that innovation efforts are deployed in environments that are optimal for adopting, implementing, supporting, and sustaining the change. The results of our organizational assessment will help you identify strengths and barriers to the adoption of new EBPs and collaboratively develop an action plan to best fit the needs of your agency.

Implementation Planning

Planning is the essential process of any new initiative or evidence based practice. However, it can be difficult for most jurisdictions to turn goals into tangible strategies and action plans. Our team of experts can work with you to create an effective and sustainable implementation plan to include and address the following:

  • Organizational readiness and culture

  • Resources and Budget

  • Assumptions and Definitions

  • Short and long term outcomes

  • Roles and Responsibilities

  • Policy and Procedures

  • Training and coaching plans

  • Quality assurance and fidelity

  • Data collection, measurement, and evaluation